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NewAge Tech LTD . positions itself as a leader in IT solutions (specializing in Security) in the Israeli and European markets. We operate based on the extensive experience, knowledge, contacts of the founders and principles of the company.  The areas mentioned above are the leading areas in a fast growing market which faces a severe shortage of trained and experienced personnel.  The internet breeds new viruses, exploits vulnerabilities and hacks every day.  The wide variety of security products NewAge offers aids in solving these issues.  NewAge offers security partnerships to our clients encompassing in-house consultancy and services around an independently sourced, wide range of top quality security products.  NewAge does not hold any exclusive resale contracts with a manufacturer, therefore we are able to provide an appropriate security solution for every issue which insures the best results.


Michel Davidi , CEO

M:  972-52-8727236

E:  michel@newage.co.il



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